I have the same problem, how to upgrade Diretta in gentooplayer?
Hello, i think i was not clear enough, i was talking about the update of the Diretta target Firmware under Linux (without using the ASIO driver and be obliged to have a Windows installed).
I was asking Yu and Filippo about updating via GP. Yu replied that updates are provided by GP. Filippo replied 'diretta is updated, when an update is available in the script' but it seems to me there was never an update since Filippo added Diretta. I have purchased the target license and checking the target version via Diretta ASIO gives out: 104_8. Trying to check for updates on Diretta ASIO gives a Error Download Update List or something like this. I think the last stable version for host and target (via Diretta ASIO) was 109? Hmm..
Strange. It seems emoticons are not supported here and my lines after that have vanished.
Well, I wrote that the GP target version 1101 looks like the latest DirettaALSAdriver 0_110_1. I am waiting for a confirmation from Filippo now. And I agree with you. It shoul be possible to chose the official and preview version like you can do it on Windows.
Ludovic AUDOIN