Update Infomation

Lucia x64 RPI RPI_E 3_112_38
Kernel Update 6.6.2
Mon, 27 Nov, 2023 at 10:00 AM
Lucia x64 RPI RPI_E 3_112_36
Kernel update 6.1.49 Raspberry PI 4 Model B Rev 1.5 boot support https://www.diretta.link/download/diretta_usb_bridge_x64_limited.html https://www....
Mon, 28 Aug, 2023 at 1:34 AM
Lucia 3_112_28
Fixed problem with not booting Fix eMMC Driver
Sat, 15 Jul, 2023 at 2:04 AM
Lucia 3_110_26
kernel update TargetName change add hash (Shakerato  add config  invert I2S data
Sat, 17 Jun, 2023 at 8:41 AM
Lucia 3_110_19/20
support DST-00 (I2S EEPROM full support 20 Ethernet Phy Driver Fix
Sun, 7 May, 2023 at 3:27 AM
Lucia x64 RPI 3_110_12
kernel update 6.1.19 Lucia      USB-DAC undetect problem fix Lucia Shakerato (OrangePi 3 LST))   boot problem fix
Thu, 16 Mar, 2023 at 12:38 AM
Lucia x64 RPI RPI_E 3_110_6
Kernel minor update 6.1.13 Lucia Shakerato (OrangePi 3 LTS) support I2S
Fri, 24 Feb, 2023 at 4:17 AM
Lucia (2_109_3 lucia_1_97_16) x64 RPI RPI_E (2_109_3 )
Kernel minor Update 2_109_3 (Linux 5.15.76) lucia_1_97_16 (5.10.152)
Fri, 11 Nov, 2022 at 10:34 AM
Lucia 2_109_2
optimiza socket handling support Add App Host   Each manufacturer can run any player application with Diretta Host   Diretta does not supply those applicat...
Mon, 3 Oct, 2022 at 4:18 AM
Lucia 2_109_1
Sorry, as of 2022/10/3, a glitch has been identified. There is a bug that prevents FW from updating. After updating, when I open the UpdateWindow, it show...
Mon, 3 Oct, 2022 at 4:10 AM