setup Red Hat series os
setup Diretta Host Salsa
#working as the root.
#install build tooles
dnf install kernel-devel gcc-c++ make alsa-utils alsa-lib-devel
#download Diretta Preview Salsa Host
curl -OL
#extract driver
tar xvf ./DirettaSalsaHost.tar.zst
#check memo
cat ./DirettaSalsaHost/readme.txt
#build and install
cd DirettaSalsaHost/
#list [ARCH NAME]
#build kernel driver and setup
#Because it includes the kernel driver, please do it again if the Linux kernel is changed.
#The GCC version is the version used to build DirettaHost, and is not related to the GCC version of the OS on which it is run.
#As it is a static-linked binary, it does not use the OS library.
#The x64 version varies depending on the CPU.
#Select the sub-architecture that your CPU can execute.
#RaspberryPi5 is 16K pages.
./ gcc14_x64_v3
#check diretta connection for network
#list audio devices
aplay -l
#play sin 1k tone 0db alsatest.cpp hw:[card no],[subdev] [PCM hz]
./DirettaSalsaHost/alsatest.cpp hw:0,0 44100
setup player service (sample
#setup Audirvāna studio
#copy audirvana linux packege from
#This version has a problem with DirettaHost.
rpm -ihv audirvana-studio-2.9.4-1.x86_64.rpm
cd /opt/audirvana/studio/
./ enable
#setup Roon server
dnf install cifs-utils ffmpeg
curl -OL
chmod 777 ./